Yes, you can eat and drink directly after having lip filler placed. However, we do have recommendations for what to eat or drink, and when.
In the first 24 hours or so after receiving lip filler, most clients experience initial swelling. This usually takes a few days to a couple of weeks to fully resolve. Within 2 to 4 weeks, any firmness should also dissipate, leaving lips soft and supple. Optimal results are usually achieved after about a month.
During this time, you’ll want to show some caution about your choices of food and drink after receiving lip filler. Items to avoid include:
- Alcohol. It thins your blood, which can worsen possible bruising.
- Caffeine. The vasoconstrictive properties of caffeine can trigger swelling and bruising at the injection site(s) and delay healing.
- Sugary or salty foods. These could cause you to lick your lips a lot, which can alter the placement of the filler before it fully settles.
- Hot and spicy food. This can irritate the injection site.
- Food that requires you to open your mouth wide (such as unsliced apples or large submarine sandwiches). This can irritate injection sites and cause the filler to migrate.
It’s also important to allow any numbing agents to wear off before eating and drinking. Because of this, you’ll want to avoid excessively hot or cold drinks until sensation fully returns.
As for recommendations on what you can or should eat or drink after having lip filler in West Palm Beach, these choices can include:
- Soft foods like bananas, peaches, yogurt, or cooked oatmeal.
- Water! Always stay hydrated, as it promotes healing while also helping the hyaluronic acid hydrate your lips.
- Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, chia seeds, or walnuts. Note: don’t eat overly crunchy or chewy foods for the first 24 hours post-treatment.
- Foods that naturally contain water, like watermelon, cucumbers, spinach, or head lettuce.
It’s always essential to discuss post-treatment instructions with your provider before undergoing any kind of lip filler treatment. This way, you’ll know exactly what to expect regarding recovery and aftercare.
When you choose Anushka Spa, Salon & Cosmedical Centre in West Palm Beach, you can be sure you’re entrusting your injectables to professionals. We’ll walk you through everything you need to know before, during, and after your filler treatment so you can feel confident in the results.
Our providers specialize in educating our clients as we prepare them for the next step on their aesthetic journey. You deserve the peace of mind that comes with knowing all precautions necessary for achieving your desired look have been taken. Every effort will be made to ensure there’s minimal risk and side effects afterward.