Top Tips On How We’re Getting By Without Hair Color In Quarantine!

A woman putting hair color

If watching in horror as your gray roots slowly reveal themselves has become your latest pastime, it’s time to step away from the mirror! We may not be able to book in with our favorite stylists for the foreseeable future but that’s no reason to panic and we’re here to explain why. Though your blond may not be its brightest right now and maybe your red isn’t quite as racy, there are more than a couple of ways you can salvage your current color and learn to love your newly styled locks at home! Read on and discover our tips on touching up your favorite shade from the comfort of your own bathroom…

Top tips on new we're getting by without hair color in quarrantine

Embrace Your Natural Hair Color

We’re all on a lengthy break between salon visits right now and our locks haven’t been afraid to let us know about it! Perhaps that beachy blond you once knew is starting to resemble an involuntary dip dye. Maybe your brunette tresses are entertaining more grays than you’re used to. Whatever your color situa-tion is right now, you’re not alone! Though we’re about to explain some incredible ways to upkeep your color and to cover over the sections of your hair you’re unhappy with, this is most certainly a time we can all learn to embrace our natural hair color. Additionally, if you’ve been considering growing out your cur-rent shade for months but couldn’t bear the dreaded grown-out look in public, why not use this time to let it be and get back to the color nature gave you?!

The image of hair color product

Discover Color Wow Root Cover Up!

Now, to say this is a great product would be the understatement of the decade! Maybe you usually dye your hair at home and can’t get your hands on the products you need for a touch-up, or perhaps you’re just a firm believer in keeping up with color appointments at your regular hair salon. Either way, Color Wow Root Cover Up is the product you’ve been dreaming of for the past few weeks without a doubt! The in-credible Wow Root Cover is specifically designed for color-treated hair. There are also eight different shades available so you can select the exact right color for you. Use the small brush included to apply the powder and color gray hair, or, simply to touch up brunette locks that have grown through lighter for example.

This product is incredibly easy to use and works just like other powder cosmetics you have already in your handbag, a powder, a brush, and a handy mirror! It’s made from a reflective mineral powder that gives a multi-dimensional, natural-looking finish. It also feels great and is never sticky or rigid. Plus, it lasts right up until it’s washed away with shampoo. That’s right, you can even swim wearing it! If all this wasn’t enough, one compact will last you between six months and a year so it really is incredible value for money! So, if you’re finding gray that covers around 50% of your roots, it’ll last around a year. If your roots are closer to 100%, gray it’s more likely to last 6 months. We think you’ll agree that no other product out there can offer the same quality cover-up solution for this length of time in just one product!

Loreal Professional products for root concealer

Covering Gray Roots At Home Is Totally Possible!

As root cover solutions go, the L’oreal Professionnel Hair Touch Up Spray is super high on our list for products that instantly conceal gray roots. It works much like a dry shampoo in the way that each spray will adhere to the hair and it covers gray hair no matter which shade you choose! It comes in 7 different colors and lasts one shampoo, plus it’s amazingly easy to use, even on the go! Simply part your hair where grays are showing through and shake the bottle well before spraying. Hold the applicator between 4 and 6 inches away from your roots and spray the color touch up. Then, wait for it to dry before styling. That’s it! Quick, easy and effective gray coverage that looks totally natural in a matter of seconds.

before and after result after using Loreal Professional products

Learn How To Gently Lighten Your Hair At Home

For those of us who usually receive a helping hand to appear as a natural blond, or to regularly cover our grays by bleaching, this time in quarantine has unwittingly revealed our closely guarded secret! If that just won’t do for you and you’re searching for ways to lighten your locks sans bleach, why not try a gentle dose of lemon juice to add a brighter finish and summer look to your locks?! Though lemon juice is a gentler, more natural way to highlight your natural color than bleach is, it’s important to use it sparingly as it’s also acidic and can damage the hair over time. Anushka Spa & Salon recommends mixing it with your regular hair conditioner and brushing this mixture into wet locks to keep them safe and soft. Sitting in the sunshine for a short period will activate the lemon juice and gradually lighten your natural color without having to dangerously attempt hair bleaching for yourself at home!